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This product was created through a collaboration with:

Web EyeCatches19.jpg
Previous Co-op web layouts2.jpg

Project Goals


Areas of the Futureworks event that encompassed the theme of leadership included Leadership Connect and Teamworks where I was assigned.

Labor Market Trends

The theme of Labor Market Trends was huge; our client, Indeed, wanted to use this event to change employers' perception of workers in the talent pool, especially those with a criminal background, those living with a disability, or those who may otherwise be passed up by other job opportunities.

Areas of the event that fell under Labor Market Trends included the Equal Pay Café, Rising Voices, the Talent Pool, and the Walk the Walk Walls. 

Walk the Walk Walls

Rising Voices

Talent Pool

Equal Pay Café 

Future of Work

The theme of the Future of Work was the over-arching theme of the entire event, but spaces that were specific to this theme were some of the previously mentioned activations like the Talent Pool and the Equal Pay Café. This also included the Keynote Speaker Events, the Button Builder as well as all of the merch for the event. 

Keynote Speakers

Button Builder & Merch Table


Signage & Wayfinding

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