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web indigo hippo layout.jpg

This product was created through a collaboration with:

Project Goal

We were tasked with not only organizing the space in a more pleasing way, but also creating new ways of attracting customers to the consignment area. We determined that drawing attention to the consignment products could be done with a few new storage methods and a new coat of paint.

Sketching Process

After taking photos of the space we would be redesigning, rough sketches were created with some of the store contents in mind. A sale space for the consignment products was the focus of this project. Indigo Hippo was in need of a more effective way of storing their scrap wood as well. A storage space for the wood was depicted in the sketch as well.

Website layout extra work.jpg

Modeling Process

Arguably the most important part of this project's process was creating a three dimensional model. This would allow us to play with the layout of the store without having to tear the actual store space apart.

Sketching Process

Indigo Hippo's owner wanted to utilize some of their leftover paint by having our team paint a mural to draw attention to the consignment area. We thought painting the "pillar" where the consignment is located in the sketch would be ideal for attracting customers not only to the consignment area but also an ideal area for the amount of paint we we're given.


Color Pallet

The color pallets were created digitally using Adobe Color and were then pitched to the owner and operator of Indigo Hippo.

Cool Pallets

Muted Pallet

Warm Pallet

Funky Pallet

Final Digital Illustrations

The first illustration was the client's favorite. So the team proceeded with that illustration as well as the second cool pallet, the muted pallet, and the funky pallet. Of the three options, the client resonated with the muted pallet the most.

Mural Illustration Cool Pallet.jpg
Mural Illustration Muted Pallet.jpg
Mural Illustration Funky Pallet.jpg

Final Renders

At this point, the client dropped funding for the project. In order to get an idea of how the final would have looked, digital renders were made of the Indigo Hippo storefront.

Enscape_2024-01-05-14-16-14_view 1.png
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