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User Research: Eco-Conscious Survivalist

Frustrated by litter

Wants to reuse single use disposable plastic bottles

Needs a lightweight tool to breakdown littered plastic

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PET & PETE Specific Pain Points

- Hard to reuse as bottle because of BPA leaching
- Gives off toxic gases when at high temps
- Cannot be dyed different colors
- Cannot be recycled at a consumer level, only fit for professional recyclers and plastic reprocessors
- Not safe for recycling at a prosumer lever

Sketching Process

The sketching process was broken down by separately designing the four components of the tool. The grip, spool, bottle holder, and blade mechanism.

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3D Low Fidelity Modeling Process

3D CAD Modeling Process

Internal Component CAD Modeling


Branding and CMF

Assigning Branding: Lifewtr

As a brand, Lifewtr incorporates circular economy practices into their sales. This sustainable practice is why I believe Zyppr could fit in with the brand. The aesthetic appearance of Lifewtr packaging inspired the elongated shape of the tool, the materiality, and a special added feature, the art tag.

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